In a devastating turn of events, former Nigerian football star Tijani Babangida and his family faced a harrowing ordeal as their journey along the Kaduna-Zaria highway ended in a ghastly car accident. Tragically, Tijani’s brother, Ibrahim Babangida, lost his life in the accident, leaving behind a profound sense of shock and grief.
Tijani, who currently serves as the president of the country’s players’ union, along with his wife, narrowly escaped with their lives but sustained serious injuries. Both have been rushed to the hospital for urgent medical attention, where they remain in the intensive care unit (ICU).
As news of the accident spreads, thoughts and prayers pour in from across the nation and beyond, as fans and well-wishers rally around the Babangida family in this difficult time. The football community stands united in solidarity, hoping for Tijani and his wife’s swift and complete recovery, while mourning the untimely loss of Ibrahim Babangida.