Renowned sports broadcasters Collins Atta Poku and Fancy D’Maria have reportedly made a significant career move, transitioning from Sompa FM/TV to Wontumi FM/TV in Kumasi. This shift marks a homecoming for the broadcasters, especially Atta Poku, who had previously worked with Wontumi FM/TV before joining Sompa FM/TV.
The move is expected to revamp Wontumi FM/TV’s sports programming, with reports suggesting a change in the broadcast schedule of their flagship sports program. Previously aired at 12:30 PM, the show is now slated for a 9:30 AM slot, considered prime time in Kumasi. This adjustment aims to capture a broader audience, catering to early risers and morning commuters who are avid sports enthusiasts.
Atta Poku and Fancy D’Maria are celebrated figures in Ghanaian sports journalism, known for their in-depth analysis, passionate commentary, and engaging presentation style. Their return to Wontumi FM/TV is expected to inject new energy into the station’s sports coverage, reinforcing its position as a leading platform for sports news in the Ashanti Region.
This development underscores the dynamic nature of Ghana’s media landscape, where top talents continually seek platforms that align with their professional goals. For listeners, this move promises enhanced sports content and a more convenient time slot to stay updated on the latest developments in local and international sports.