In an exclusive interview with Space FM Tarkwa, Mr. Abdel Razak Yakubu, the executive secretary of Gold Fields Foundation, revealed exciting news regarding the TNA Stadium in Tarkwa. Gold Fields Foundation, in collaboration with the Tarkwa Nsueam Municipal Assembly, is set to hand over the much-anticipated stadium to its rightful owner in the fourth quarter of this year.
The TNA Stadium, a state-of-the-art sporting facility, has been under construction for several months, promising to be a beacon of sporting excellence in Tarkwa. With its modern amenities and top-notch infrastructure, the stadium has captured the attention and anticipation of sports enthusiasts throughout the region.
Mr. Abdel Razak Yakubu expressed his enthusiasm during the interview, stating, “We are pleased to announce that the completion of the TNA Stadium is nearing its final stage. It gives us immense pride to have been part of this incredible project, and we believe it will greatly benefit the Tarkwa Nsueam community and enhance the local sports scene.”
The handover of the stadium to the Tarkwa Nsueam Municipal Assembly signifies a significant milestone in the project. This transfer of ownership will ensure that the local governing body takes charge of the stadium’s operations and management, allowing for the organization of various sports events and activities for the community’s enjoyment.
The announcement has generated excitement within the Tarkwa Nsueam community, as residents eagerly await the stadium’s official opening. Sporting clubs, athletes, and fans alike are anticipating the opportunity to utilize the modern facilities and experience the thrill of sports matches and tournaments in their own backyard.
With the completion and subsequent handover scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year, the TNA Stadium promises to become a hub of sporting excellence and a source of community pride. It will not only provide a venue for local teams to compete but also attract regional and national events, bringing forth opportunities for economic growth and enhancing the overall sports development in the area.
As the countdown to the handover begins, the Tarkwa Nsueam Municipal Assembly and the Gold Fields Foundation remain committed to ensuring the smooth transition and continued success of the TNA Stadium. Excitement fills the air, and the people of Tarkwa Nsueam eagerly await the day they can gather in their grandstands, cheering for their favorite sports teams and celebrating the completion of this groundbreaking project.