In an unexpected turn of events, Asante Kotoko will still play against DC United in the USA despite their initial withdrawal. DC United released a statement clarifying that Kotoko will combine with an academy side to form a “Ghana Week DC Select Side” due to visa challenges.
According to the statement, seven players from Asante Kotoko’s first team, two from Attram De Visser FC, and several top Ghanaian players based in the U.S. will make up the squad for the match. This team will participate in the Capital City Africa Cup, which is part of DC Ghana Week celebrations.
The match, scheduled for Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 10 pm GMT, is a key event celebrating Ghanaian culture, sports, and tourism in the Washington, D.C. area. The week-long festivities aim to promote Ghana’s cultural heritage and strengthen ties between Ghana, the U.S., and the African diaspora.
Despite the logistical challenges, the collaboration between Kotoko and other Ghanaian players ensures that the event will proceed as planned, showcasing unity and fostering cultural exchange.